Disable or Enable Usb Ports In windows Xp,windows7 using Registry
Follow Some simple steps to block Usb Ports In windows Xp,windows 7
Step 2: It will open the Registry Editor of your Windows 7
Follow Some simple steps to block Usb Ports In windows Xp,windows 7
Step1: In Windows 7 press Windows key+R and type as “regedit
Step 3: After opening Registry edit browse the following path in reght side bar of registry editor
The Path to go: “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesUSBSTOR”
Step4: Then right click the registry “Start” which is rectangled in red color in the below screenshot of registry editor
Step:5 Right Click “Start” and Click modify
- To enable USB ports: change the value from “4? to “3?
- To disable USB ports: change the Value for “3? to “4?
finaly restart your system.Because Restarting Your system Will take The affects of changed registry..
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