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Sunday, 17 June 2012

Hotmail Is Now Newmail To Rival Gmail

Hotmail Is Now Newmail To Rival Gmail

Microsoft has decided to re-launch its popular mail service hotmail with a new name "newmail" with lots of new features and a new interactive interface to compete with the google mail service "gmail" ,as gmail has made many advancements and the users of gmail has been increased upto great extent.As Microsoft has claimed it has a 'fluid and interactive design', which is expressly designed to work well on mobile devices such as phones or tablets. Newmail is understood to have a 'clean look' when it comes to the font that has been used for the labels in the inbox, which resembles its Google adversary.The new email service will also be linked to Facebook and Twitter and will allow users to keep their contacts automatically in sync and see what their friends are doing on the service.
The new name Newmail, however, appears to be just the title for the service and users will still have @hotmail email addresses.


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